Can My Maid Travel With Me?

Can My Maid Travel With Me?

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Yes, a domestic helper in Malaysia and their employer can go overseas, but there are several practical considerations that the employer must make. Below is a summary of some of these crucial points.

Get Consent

For you to travel abroad with your domestic assistant, both parties must provide their consent. When making travel plans, bear the following in mind

  • Have frank discussions with the assistant before organising a trip abroad.
  • Keep in mind that the helper might not want to travel or deal with the possible fallout from being thought to be working overseas in another nation, which could have an impact on their ability to find job as a domestic assistant in Hong Kong in the future.
  • Put all pertinent facts and expectations in writing, together with the length of the trip, the destination(s), the tasks to be completed while abroad, the method of payment, and any other pertinent details. Make copies of this permission form and request that the assistant hold onto one.

Apply for the correct visa

Make careful to enquire with the nation’s immigration authorities before departing. It is advisable to enquire about the kind of visa required for your housemaid in Malaysia. Certain short-term visas are available for domestic assistants travelling with their employers in many different countries. Domestic workers who work while abroad without the proper visa risk being arrested for breaking immigration laws. Remember that:

  • Domestic helpers with an employment contract in Malaysia are not permitted to undertake job tasks while visiting another nation on a tourist visa or travelling for leisure.
  • Some governments place limitations on non-residents entering the country and do not issue tourist visas.
  • If the employer asks their amid to fulfil work tasks while on vacation without the proper visa, they may be prosecuted for breaking immigration laws.

Be mindful of the travel period

We have witnessed enquiries from Hong Kong Immigration upon returning to Hong Kong after a lengthy period of time spent overseas by both employers and domestic helpers. Here are some things to remember:

  • Immigration will enquire about the reason and an explanation after learning how long the worker was absent from Hong Kong.
  • The length of your stay overseas could affect whether your contract is renewed because immigration might ask more follow-up questions.
  • To avoid the difficult situation when assistants are stranded overseas with the 2-year contract expiring shortly or during the period abroad, check the contract expiry date in advance before making travel plans.
    – If the maid’s two-year contract is about to expire, the employer may begin the process of renewing it as soon as eight weeks in advance. The domestic helper must be physically present in Hong Kong at this time.

Check insurance policies

In order to ensure that the maid will be protected no matter where you travel, employers should also verify the details of their medical and employee compensation insurance plans. It is also advised that you research the domestic helper’s possibilities for travel insurance. You could also reach out to your respective maid agency for advice on your maid’s insurance plan.

Inform your maid agency

It may sound uncommon to many, but while taking their domestic helper abroad, employers are strongly encouraged to notify their maid agency in Malaysia. Throughout the term of the employment, your maid agency owes the maid a duty of care, and it should be notified if the helper departs Hong Kong with you.

Other matters to keep in mind

  • Verify the helper’s visa expiration date and passport validity.
  • Salary, housing, and any other terms and benefits should be agreed upon.
  • Tell us about your trip arrangements if Innovdege Maid Agency is your agency.

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